الموقع خاص بمسلسل الاسطورة فقط - ثقة فى الله نجاح -

الخميس، 16 يونيو 2016

الحلقة الحادية عشر من مسلسل الاسطورة - مشاهدة مباشرة

The conditions of the series spin legend about a young graduate of the Faculty of Law (Mohammad Ramadan) lives in the Seventh-day Adventist area,
Seeks to join the wire judiciary, but due to the bad reputation of his brother, who operates a merchant of weapon is rejected, and became involved after the (Ramadan) in the crime perpetrated by a private brother after the entry of his brother in conflicts dealer with a large weapon, who shall this trader to kill him and massaging the issue of arms trade him, to enter the (Ramadan) in prison following the case.

Directed by: Mohammad Sami
Written by: Mohamed Abdel Muti

Staff: Mohammad Ramadan, Rogina, Imad increase, minimum, Ashraf Zaki, Mohamed Abdel Hafez

الفيديو بالأسفل
(مشاهدة ممتعة)

انتظر تحميل الفيديو 

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